
I am obsessed with hand and body lotion. Living in the Midwest this is a given. Harsh cold winters and brutally hot and sunny summers make our hands a wreck. Our hands, elbows and legs are the first places to manifest signs of aging, and no one wants old looking hands or body parts! Hand lotion and body lotion can soften the skin, acts as a barrier for our skin, protects the outer layer of the skin from harmful effects of the sun, the wind and so many other environmental factors. Hand lotion and body lotion can also brighten the skin to remove dull, dead flakes and rejuvenate underlying tissues. Keeping your hands and skin soft and supple can be a challenge. I have come to find, over the years, that I have a favorite body and hand lotions (one I just received now giving the others a run for their money!). H2O+ hand and nail lotion and H2O+ Sea Salt Hydrating Body Butter are perfect for Spring and Summer months. When it comes to lotions, here in Chicago, we have to change with the seasons. That means we cannot use the same lotion all year round. H2O+ has a great selection of hand lotions and body lotions that are light weight and absorb quickly, making them a perfect choice. The scents are also reminiscent of the ocean and fresh summer air, because who wants a heavily scented lotion when wearing a summer dress and flip flops? It is also important to switch out to a lighter lotion because the air is more humid. H20 is definitely on my recommended list for summer loving!

I usually buy my H2O+ products directly from H2O when they have sales, but the products are also available at Ulta, Amazon, and other retailers.


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